Thursday, June 30, 2005

gak jlas...

(x) been in love
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
( ) been in a fist fight
(x) snuck out of parent's house
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
(x) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger [what constitutes a stranger? I always knew her/his name…]
( ) gone on a blind date
( ) smoked a cigarette
( ) smoked a cigar
( ) smoked anything else
(x) crashed someone else's car (does a bus count???!!)
(x) lied to a friend
(x) had a crush on a teacher
(x) skipped school
( ) slept with a co-worker
(x) seen someone die
( ) been to Canada
( ) been to Mexico
(x) been on a plane
( ) thrown up in a bar
( ) purposely set a part of yourself on fire
(x) eaten Sushi
( ) been snowboarding
( ) been moshing at a concert
(x) taken painkillers
(x) like someone right now
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(x) made a snow angel
(x) had a tea party
(x) flown a kite
(x) built a sand castle
(x) gone puddle jumping
(x) played dress up
(x) jumped into a pile of leaves
(x) gone sledding
(x) cheated while playing a game
(x) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work/(school)
(x) used a fake ID
(x) watched the sun set
(x) felt an earthquake
(x) touched a snake
(x) been tickled
(x) been robbed
(x) robbed someone
(x) been misunderstood
(x) pet a reindeer/goat
(x) won a contest
(x) ran a red light
( ) been suspended from school
(x) had detention
(x) been in a car accident
( ) had braces
( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) had deja vu
(x) danced in the moonlight
(x) hated the way you look
(x) witnessed a crime
( ) pole danced
(x) questioned your heart
(x) been obsessed with post-it notes
(x) squished barefoot through the mud
(x) been lost
(x) been to the opposite side of the country
(x) swam in the ocean
(x) felt like dying
(x) cried yourself to sleep
(x) played cops and robbers
(x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
(x) sung karaoke .....
(x) paid for a meal with only coins
(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) made prank phone calls
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your mouth
(x) caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) kissed in the rain
(x) written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) been kissed under a mistletoe
(x) watched the sun set with someone you care about
(x) blown bubbles
(x) made a bonfire on the beach
(x) crashed a party
(x) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people
(x) gone rollerskating/blading
(x) had a wish come true
(x) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
(x) screamed "penis" in class
( ) ate dog food
(x) told a complete stranger you loved them
(x) sang in the shower
(x) have your skank clothes in the closet somewhere
(x) had a dream that you married someone
(x) glued your hand to something
(x) got your toungue stuck to a pole
(x) kissed a fish
(x) worn the opposite sexes clothes
(x) been a cheerleader [uh, some kind of spirit squad?]
(x) sat on a roof top
( ) had sex at a church
(x) screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) done a one-handed cartwheel
(x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
(x) stayed up all night
( ) didnt take a shower for a week
(x) pick and ate an apple right off the tree
(x) climbed a tree
( ) had a tree house
(x) are scared to watch scary movies alone
(x) believe in ghosts
(x) have more then 30 pairs of shoes
(x) worn a really ugly outfit to school
( ) gone streaking
(x) played ding-dong-ditch
(x) played chicken
(x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger
( ) broken a bone
(x) been easily amused
( ) caught a fish then ate it
( ) made porn
(x) caught a butterfly
(x) laughed so hard you cried
(x) cried so hard you laughed
( ) mooned/flashed someone
( ) had someone moon/flash you
(x) cheated on a test
(x) forgotten someone's name
(x) have you ever worn leather?
(x) have a crush
(x) miss someone
(x) slept naked
(x) French braided someone’s hair
(x) gone skinny dipping in a pool/lake/river
( ) been kicked out of your house
(x) Given yourself a hickey

Monday, June 27, 2005

OMG, doing this questionnaire is like writing Dupuy's paper!!!

No quiero decir, "Ojalá que hubiera hecho este cuestionario más pronto.." (>_<) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... He estado haciendo desde 1 de la tarde en HAS. Pues, dormí por 3 horas después de volver de HAS y continué a las 9 de la noche. Pero..pero..pero.. no he dejado todavía! cuándo... cuándo..cuándo...????!!!!

Pienso que las preguntas me han ayudado y me obligaron a leer sobre Argentina, sus historia y cultura. Sin embargo, algunas preguntas no son buenos, como "La Argentina tiene algún conflicto de soberanía aún no resuelto? HAH...??? no sé cómo deberí contestarla? Y, "Qué argentino fue famoso por su actuación en Cuba? ......... YO???!!(>_<) Ahora más o menos, sé qué país es Argentina--> Un país que he tenido muchos presidentes. Entre 2001-2002, había 4 presidentes!! Aiiyoooo...mi país hasta ahora solamente tiene 6 presidentes! :p

Hay las cosas interesantes..
- boliche: cuando busqué en Google, encontré las fotos erotis (@_@) y me pregunté, un boliche es un lugar donde hay la gente desnudada??!! huh??? Aparentemente, un boliche es cómo los argentinos refieron la discoteca...
- ahora sé las comidas típicas de Argentina.. yuuuummm! quiero comer luche de leche y empanadas :P
- Júan Perón tenía más de una esposa!
- EEUU tiene La Casa Blanca, La Argentina tiene La Casa Rosada :p how cute??!! tengo que saber cómo decirlo (^0^)
- un boligrafo fue inventado por un argentino, Ladislao Biro :)

mmmmmmmm... Ojala que pueda dejar todo antes de 12 de tarde manana...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

YO @ Yale, y con una manzana :p

Posted by Hello

Yo con el torre de uno de los dormitorios de la Universidad de Yale

the old times...

playing Taboo @ Bradley Airport... so much fun!

Corrine asked me if I wanted to go with her to the airport to pick up the new Wes students who will be joining the Yale summer program. Since I decided not to go to Boston this long weekend, so I said that I'd be more than happy to do so. And I was glad that I went :p
We had sooo much fun--making fun of people aka Bach and Aussie, playing taboo at terminal B, trying to foll the new freshman, and trying to convince Corrine to have dinner w/ us at NH aka pay for our dinner (^o^)

So, Bach, Aussie, Corrine, Yaw (our nice upperclassman from Ghana who drove us) and I left at around 950am. Selina gave us some really goooood cookies that we ended up eating among ourselves :p We picked up the first 3 people--Wallace, who looks like simon at some point [Ojalá que no él no tenga las caraterísticas como Simon... (>_<)], and Fin Pang/Pin Fang, I don't know and Shun Wen, both from Taiwan. Mmm.. they were all very quiet... mmm.. We waited for the next group of people at terminal B where AA is. Thank God, Corrine brought Taboo with her that we ended up not suffering from boredom. Actually I don't think we would have gotten bored at any point today, coz we had soo much stuff that we could create as conversation's topics :P There were many funny moments, one of them was when I tried to explain the word "ferry," none of them could guess it correctly. They kept on saying boat, ship, yatch, bla..bla..bla.. -- So I said to them, "Oh I know, the person who went with Theresa to Hong Kong for the Freeman interview!!" -- And corrine said, "Oh, Terry!" -- Me: "Ya, so the word is...." -- All three of them, "Ferry!!!" hahahahahah.... Anyway, so at around 2 something, the next flight was scheduled to arrive. It was so long until two cute Japanese guys appeared from the gates. I was like, mmm.. only two?? I though we're supposed to meet 5 of them! Apparently, the other 3 got stuck at the immigration at Chicago (Aaaaaaaaa... not another immigration issue!!!), that they couldn't catch the connection flight (>_<) poor them... But thank God, they managed to get into the next flight :) So the Jap guys are Toshihiro and Keiho. Hhehehehe... cute Jap guys again! hahahha... They had to wait till Bin, the Chinese guy came at 3. So with Alice Hadler as well, we sat around and talked..talked... Corrine asked me to introduce myself, so I was like, "mmm.. My dad is Japanese and my mum is Indonesian.. and.." As I was about to continue bluffing, Toshihiro who looked so sleepy at that time suddenly woke up and said, "Oh really???!" hahahha... If only Alice wasn't there, I think I could have continued the jokes :p And Alice was like, "Oo.. but nihongo ga dekimasu" so that was how they knew I speak Jap too (^_^) In a way, I'm always not sure how to "tell" a Jap that I speak Japanese. Although I never say that I'm fluent in Jap (I wish I was...), but I can carry on a pretty good conversation with a Jap :) So then we met Bin, but for now, I don't really have much to say about him, since I barely talked. I don't think I even introduced myself (@_@) And... we waited and waited till about 430 for Toan, Ly (Vietnamese) and Fon (Thailand) to come. OMG, Toan is sooo Thang :P the way he speaks, and in a way his attitude as well :p hehhehe... funny, how you can meet two or even more similar people in such a short time. Thang just graduated and we found a "new him" :p

Finally, we were all on our wayto New Haven. Ghee, I actually spent almost 12 hours at the airport and road today. But it was FUN!!! Thx to Corrine who asked me and the "cool dudes" today :P Going to Yale again was nice :) This year, they stayed at a different place, it's called Stile. Mmm.. I think Brandford and I don't remember the other dorm are nicer (^0^) I kinda met almost everyone. I hope to see them again this coming Tuesday at alice's place for the bbq :) Insya Allah, will be going with Mas Yogi. Te quiero muchoooooooo :) Oh ya, I had a good dinner, good Ivy Noodle meals yuuuuummm...

PS: in term of being productive, today wasn't THE DAY! But I did my winter jacket laundry and finished writing the letters :P

Friday, June 24, 2005

a long weekend---> let's be productive!!!

Apparently I won't be working at Olin on Monday, which means I'll have a long weekend... I wanted to go to Boston, but I figured that I have a lot of things to do here as well. Mmmm, apa ya??? :p
I really need to submit the cuestionario on Monday morning. I bet that's going to take awhile, since I havent found all the answers and I need to write them in Spanish. Then, I'm going to Bradley on Saturday morning, 945am!!!! Why do people come sooooo early on a Sat???!!! That should be fun :) mmmm... I'm going to introduce myself as a junior!!! or should I play a trick on them and say, hi I'm Sari, from Indonesia. I'm a freshman, not a freeman scholar tho... bla..bla..bla. :P
then I should do a Stop and Shop trip before Mas Yogi gets here. Well this depends on the weather :P I hope I can be productive this weekend. Oh ya, write letters ASAP to my host family!!! mmm.. I think I should do this first.
Anyways, back to work at Olin...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

sitting quietly at the front desk of Olin

I have 2 more weeks left at Olin. It always quiet here during lunch. I mean, who would go to library and look for books, when you can go to a restaurant, or even just to Neon Deli and enjoy delicious sandwiches?? :P It turned out that I'll be working all day next Sat and Sun... mmm.. what to do then??? I'm not sure what my schedule is like next week, since I don't get any shift at the desk next week AT ALL, till Sat. Mmmm....
I think I'll go to Stop and Shop on Saturday and grab some stuff for the trip. I haven't started writing a postcard to my host fam yet :( what have I been doing?? mmm.. wathcing Mahabharata! :P well, I did a lot of emailing last night and followed by a couple of episodes of Mahabharata :p
I managed to find the TV series at SciLi. They're exactly the ones I saw when I was lil. Mmm.. in a way, I wouldn't give A or even B+ for the movie. It's just OK (>_<) My imagination was much better, I guess :P All are in Hindi, they have real castels and wore real costumes. The visual effects are not that good, tho. Like the fighting action and Arjuna's magnificent arrows didn't look good at all. Oh well, at least they don't have some random people from China playing as Ghandari :p

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

doing so many errands tonight

every morning, I always tryto count how many days I have left before I leave for Argentina. I have kinda 3 weeks from today... mmm.. not much time left! I don't think I was like this when I was going to the U.S. for the first time, or prolly I was... Anyway, there are many things that I MUST DO before I go.
1. packing... and this is going to happen until the last minute
2. give people "things." I should do this soon!! start tomorrow, I hope...
3. email my advisor about classes. This is pretty confusing and frustrating! he told me that I might not be able to transfer a class from the dept of education :( aiiiyoooo... what to do then?? i really wanna take one, but how would I know about what the class is like of there's no class description??(>_<) why can't they learn from Wes?? :p
4. have bunch of dinner and lunch w/ people as farewell, mmm.. when????
5. send notes to people, this is gonna take awhile...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... I hope I'm not doing anything stupid that will ruin everything!

who gets the most privilege in this world????!!!

Holding an F1 visa issued by the US immigration doesn't guarantee me anything, coz what I have is only a VISA, not a paper that indicates that I'm a US citizen (>_<) I received a call from the Argentine consulate in NY this morning. I thought they were going to tell me that they received the authorization letter, so that I could get my visa. BUT... they're actually asking for more stuff!!! They wanted another letter from the university, bank statements, and an itinenary!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa... I told them that I gave the itinerary, and they almost refused to use it. Why didn't they tell me before that they needed all of these???!!!! (@_@)
If only I was one of this countries men (women???!!), I wouldn't have to go through all these processes. Why couldn't they make things easier??? Could this be caused by the 9/11 attack? Or as I've been wondering these days, has it always been like this? mmmmmmmmmmm..................

I'm soooo stressed out right now, afraid that I won't get the visa on time. I don't even wanna think about making the trip to Universal Studio in Orlando and bla..bla..bla.. I don't even dare to book a hotel there, knowing that the piece of paper is not yet in my hands.

Ojalá que toda la cosa que tengo que preparar y traer esté lista antes de que vaya a Argentina. Ahora, tengo muchas cosas que necesito pensar y hacer... tengo que hacer demasiada para que no vaya a olvidar nada... Keep my fingers crossed!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

el amor no es una cosa complicada ni sencilla...

Hoy era el último día que yo visité a Mas Yogi en su apartamento, porque después de la proxima semana, él va a mudarse a Middletown con migo. Entonces, tan pronto como regrese a Boston en el septiembre, va a vivir en otro lugar. He salido con Mas Yogi por casi2 a ños y hemos tenido muchas cosas divertidas... le quiero muchísimo!
Sin embargo, como hoy, me dio cuenta de que el amor no es una cosa sencilla. Pero tampoco complicada... Porque mi egoísmo, casi dejamos nuestra relaciones (>_<) no sé cómo viviría si no estuviera con él...
Desde ahora, voy a tratar de estar una chica que puede hacerse feliz, para que podamos estar juntos, para siempre.... (^-^) le quiero muchísimo.... Aunque no vamos a estar juntos cuando estoy en Argentina, creo que nuestro amor va a estar más fuerte... vamos a estar más maduros... y ojalá que estemos más feliz cuando reunirnos en el diciembre...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

A month from today I will have been in Buenos Aires!!!

I'm starting to feel nervous about the whole idea of going to study in Argentina. First, I haven't gotten my visa yet coz of the differentiation the Argentine government made between US and non-US citizens. So, on Wednesday afternoon, I spoke to Miriam, the lady in charge of the student visa in Argentine consulate in NY. First, she told me that all I need was---> application form, acceptance letter, passport, 2 photos and a prepaid envelope. I was like, oh cool, then I don't have to go to NY to do all of this. Then I realized that I forgot to ask about the money order thing, since again... the privilege of being a US citizen is that you don't have to pay for any of your visa application! (>-<) Anyway, when I spoke to Miriam again, she was like... "wait a sec, since you're not a US citizen (oo.. so she had thought that I was one...) you must come to the office ASAP and we will ask you to fill out a separate form and have an interview with you" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgggghhh!!!! I actually didn't mind going to NYC, is just that everytime I go there, I'm always struck by weird things :( so, I asked my beloved Mas Yogi to accompany me to NYC, and of course he said yes :P love you, Mas Yogi... (I can't wait to see you tomorrow ....) So, I spent my weekend in Boston, shopping (bought a Rp 500.000 jeans :p), planning to go on a duck tour (as we always said whenever I visit Boston :p) but again, didn't happen, and mmm.. nosotros nos peleamos y casi terminamos nuestra relaciones (>-<) me alegró que ese no ocurrió porque quiero a Mas Yogi muchisimo. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Me molesta mucho que no pueda escribir en espanol ahora y el día de salida es un mes de hoy!!!!!!! voy a escribir en espanol hasta hoy, és importante que pueda exprese mi emoción y mi pensamiento en espanol a los argentinos!!! Ok, so on Monday morning at 12.40ish am, Mas Yogi and I left his house for South Station, coz our bus is at 2.30am. We're scheduled to arrive at 9am at Port Authority. BUT... when we got to Central Sq. unfortunately the station was closed! I panicked immediately... (>_<) so, we decided to take a cab, but none of use had enough cash with us, so Mas Yogi went to withdraw some money. After 5 min sitting on the taxi, Mas Yogi realized that se le perdió su tarjeta de credito!!! OMG, what could happen next, I thought :( In the bus, we tried our best to sleep, but I kept on getting hit on the head everytime i leaned on the window (>-<) I thought Mas Yogi was able to have a better sleep, but unfortunately the idea of sleeping in the bus didn't work out well for neither of us. ... As soon as we arrived at the station and got "dressed", we took the subway to the Argentine consulate. I'm sooooooooooooooo glad that I went with Mas Yogi since el sistema del tren de la ciudad de Nueva York me molesta! It was on 12W56th st. When we got there, the first comment made by Mas Yogi was "how come the people waiting (I guess, for various immigration purposes) looked so stressed??!!" It's true... mmm.. I guess it's like that everywhere, not only at the US embassy in Jakarta! Then, not long, a tall, long haired lady came out from the office and asked me to follow her---> Miriam. She asked me to fill out a form that didn't look too complicated. Then it turned out that I had to know the name and the address of the family that I'm staying with and I must have a specific date on my return ticket!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrgggggggghhhh... Why didn't they tell me on the phone last Wed so I could have gotten enough time to search for those info. Luckily Emily Keene was at her desk and I'm sure that she was suprised also that for non US citizen, the Argentine govt requires such info. She had to call Argentina, Thx God, Argentina is only 3 hours ahead of US, otherwise things would have to wait till the next day...
Apprently, Indonesia in on the list of the countries that requires a special authorization. WHY???!!! I wonder if this was true before the 9/11. If so, then I guess it's the why it is.... So I waited...and waited... Mas Yogi kept on falling asleep on the bench and so was I. Both of us were sooo tired and sleepy!
At almost 1pm, (we ended up staying there from 10am-1pm) Miriam came out with a piece of info of my host fam. Pheeww... But since I didn't have a copy of my itinerary with a return date on it, I was asked to come back again tomorrow! aaaiiiyyyyaaaaaaaa....

So, we had to look for an internet café, luckily it wasn't afr at all from the consulate. Paying $2.50 for 10 min (porque está cara???!!! In mi país solamente necesitamos pagar $.30 por 60 minutos :P cuantos pesos tendré pagar en Argentina???), I was able to call the travel agent, who was sooo helpful that I manged to get a proper intinerary :)

Next, we had lunch at the park :p I thought we're able to sit on the grass, but they had fence all over the park :( we saw 2 cute elephant statues and both of us ended up taking pictures with them :p hehhehe... afterwards, we went for shoes hunt! As usual, if on the first look I don't "fall in love" with the shoes, that means those aren't for me! (>_<) it took us hours looking for a new pair of sneakers for me. First, I was tight of budget, my size is tiny (well, ok I guess... 6,5 :p) and mmm.. I'm pretty conservative in term of sneakers. Soooo.. after a long walk, I ended up with empty shopping bag :( hix..hix... poor Mas Yogi ! I think he started to know how I shop :P we had dinner at Jaya restaurant in Chinatown. I had laksa... hot and spicy :) and mas Yogi had sweet basil chicken.. was good too :) at 830ish we decided to go to CS' place at 68thSt. We reached a fancy apartment with a nice looking car parked in front of it. I was like... "is this the place??" the doorman called CS' place "Sir, your friend Yogi is here. Shall I let him in? (pause...) OK Sir." ooooo... sweet! We took the elevator to the 8th floor and greeted by a chinese calligraphy :P CS and Sharyn came out and we had a chat till about 10pm. I immediately fall asleep after I took a shower and woke up around 8pm. Although we both didn't sleep on a bed, the couches were nice and comfy (thx CS... ). Mmm... prolly when I'm "big" I should get an apartment like that :P hheheh.. At 9ish, we left his place and started walking to the Argentine consulate again. I don't know why, but my bag seemed to grow heavier! I don't know how many times I had to ask mas Yogi to carry the bag for me, or I ended up being pretty grouchy! (>-<) I had everything prepared, so it didn't take us long. Miriam told me that the authorization is going to take 3 weeks, Aaaaaaaaaa... Ya Allah, ojalá que reciba el visa antes del día de salida para que pueda ir con los otros estudiantes. Amin... We went to the internet café again, to look up some stuff to do before we both headed back to our "origins." We decided to go to Guggenheim museum near Central Park. We had lunch at Sanur, an Indonesian-Malaysian restaurant, coz Mas Yogi was craving for gado-gado :p I ordered an Indoensian nasi goreng dish, which wasn't too bad. But I think the gadp-gado was better :p heheheh... Guggenheim wasn't bad, but with the mix of tiredness and the burden of carrying a heavy bag, I couldn't enjoy the place that much.... We then left for another shoes hunt. I kinda know which shoes I would get, so we only visited on store at 34thSt. When I almost decided on which shoes to get, Mas Yogi asked me to have a last look at the entire section and... I found a better one! :p they were blue and cute :p mission accomplished (^_^) we then went to Port Authority and waited for the bus. At first I thought Mas Yogi was gonna be on the same bus with me till Middletown, but I realized that it would have been 9 hours of abus ride for him then. So we said bye..bye.. at the station and left off on different buses.... Ooooooooo... along trip to NYC. Two days in NYC made tired, even till today :P hahhaha.. shower time!

los elefantes son....  Posted by Hello

La parte muy importante de mi vida, para siempre Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Both of us are in our 20s now... well, not quite :P

When you have your boyfriend or girlfriend around, it's unlikely for you to update your blogger or xanga, unless he or she is busier than you :p
Mas Yogi came to Wes last Monday on June 6--->his 23rd birthday!!! (^0^) I'm happy to see him again after... hehehe... 1,5 weeks :p
Here's a lil' story about his birthday....
Coz I didn't really have time to prepare for the dinner in between my shifts at Olin, I had to ask him to hide at the bathroom for almost 20 min :p heheheh... And around 5.30, everything was ready. He looked suprised and HAPPY when he saw the "dining table" and the dinner set, plus the decoration I made :) yeah...!!! after taking pictures, we had dinner and we called his parents. I got to talk with his mum again :p hhihihihi... I'm happy that he's happy (pretty cheesy, huh?? :P )
Anyway, we ended the nite by watching the final game of NBA eastern conference, with the defeat of miami heat!!! YEAH!!!

"sehat slalu, lancar kerjanya, & sayang aku. With lots of love, tia"
This is the quote I wrote for him on the wall :) heheheh...

Happy birthday sayang

Monday, June 06, 2005

el cumpleños de mi amor... le quiero para siempre

Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 05, 2005

going to celebrate his birthday tomorrow... can't wait!

Last year, I wasn't able to set up anything special for Mas Yogi's birtjday coz I was in Indonesia. So this year, I decided to make something that hopefully he'll like (^0^) Looking forward to seeing Mas Yogi tomorrow and celebrating his 23th birthday...

carrying a 5 months old baby is not easy... especially when she's crying

Tonite was my first babysitting experience! I was asked to babysit Clara Taft, Gina and John Driscoll's granddaughter :) I was a bit nervous at first, but when Laura (Clara's mum) told me that practically she'd be sleeping at that time, I was kinda relieved.
So I showed up at their house around 6.50pm and James (Clara's dad) showed me around--how to reach them in case there's anything, how to use the TV, where the bathroom is, and so on... When I first met him, I had a feeling that he would be a really gentle father who would never yell at his kids... :P Laura was putting Clara into bed when I came.
About 730, they left and there I was... alone watching MTV True Life (wait.. or is it Real Life??!!). Whichever it was, it was kinda a dumb show. I got sick of it and decided to flip through the channels ans stayed for quite awhile watching NBA and a decoumentary about the actors of an old TV series "Savings By The Bell." I remembered I used to like that show when I was young (hehehhe... speaking as if I'm no longer "young" :p, well... I'm turning 20 this July, so I guess it's a fair thing to say)
Btw, a bit of tonite's NBA game-- Miami had to work harder than the Spurs since Piston rebounded and forced them to play the 7th game of the final. It's kinda a pity, since they actually led 3-0, but I guess, just like Boston Red Sox and a couple of others that I saw this past year, leading 3-0 means nothing until you actually win 4-0!!! I guess the 7th game will be interesting. I hope Mas Yogi and I can watch it (^_^)
Back to my babysitting experience... Clara was very cooperative by sleeping like a baby (well, she's still 5months old) until 10.44pm I suddenly heard.. hix..hix..hix.
OH NO... she started crying. Laura told me that it's prolly a sign that she's hungry. And she asked me to just leave it like that for awhile (which was 30min...!!!) and if she doesn't stop, call them! But I couldn't wait more than 10 min, coz I felt terrible listening her crying and knowing that she's hungry. So I called and they said they'd go home rite away. Pheew...!
I tried to walk her for awhile but it only worked for 5 min. I mean, I didn't have the thing that she wanted... I was like "mommy will be here soon... stop crying please. Clara... shhhss..hhh.." hehehhe...
It wasn;t that bad since she was pretty much sleeping and me, heheh.. watching Full House and Prince of BelAir :p

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Only dumbers who would make this kind of movie!!!

When I was only in primary school, think in 2nd grade, my grandpa introduced me to WAYANG--MAHABHARATA and RAMAYANA. I instantly fall in love and got a lil' addicted to wayang. Everytime we went to a bookstore, I always looked for a new wayang book. If I think again now, I was like people who like anime and Jap comics soooo much :P anyway, although till now I couldn't really enjoy the real wayang performance, I still adore them. I even watched a couple of series on TV.

One day, at Wesleyan... I discovered that there's actually a DVD of Mahabharata! I was excited and happy when I knew that I could borrow one from Olin. So I did... On Thursday night, after making a simple dinner, I sat down in front of my laptop and started watching the movie.

After a couple of seconds, the some names started to appear on screen. But mostly weren't Indian names. I was like "wait, how come?? This must be a different version, and it's in English!" Cool.. I didn't thought any further. So the first couple of minutes were OK. The first strange thing was how they called a person wearing an elephant mask as GANESHA (????!!!) Ok.. then, suddenly there was a dark-skin lady came out of nowhere and they referred to her as Kunti! HAH? what's going on here??? how come??? hwo could Dewi Kunti looked like a person from Africa? (>-<)
More very strange things continued to show up--someone who looks like an imam in Indonesia as Pandu, a chinese woman palyed as Gandari, the Pandawa were bunch of white guys and Nakula/Sadewa was a guy from the Middle East!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa.....!!! WHAT THE HECK????!!!! (;_;)

I felt betrayed, disappointed, sad.... miserable! hix..hix.. I didn't see any beautiful indian castles and the costumes were awful!!! OMG, how could someone make such movie??? what were they thinking, trying to make a multiethnic movie or what????!!! The storyline was pretty much the same, but still... they have ruined everything !
The movie was 5,5 hours long and I could only bear to watch it for 2 hours... I couldn't stand the people! I mean, Arjuna who was supposed to be handsome turned out to be a guy who would play in some random Hollywood movie. And Gatotkaca, OMG, he looked like a lunatic person with an outfit that looked like people at the Flinstones :( aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

I could go on and on telling about how bad the movie is. Ghee, I hope my grandpa never watches this movie, otherwise he would feel the same as I did...