Tuesday, March 28, 2006

lo que quiero y lo que hay en el mundo

Hoy no hice la tutoria con Feliz porque él está enfermo...
Nadie quiere estar enfermo, pero a veces no es posible envitarlo.

Traté de llamar a la gente para hacer una entrevista para el projecto. Ya llamé por muchas veces, pero a veces nadie me contestó.

Mandé resume y cover letter a algunas organizaciones, pero no todas me respondó...

A veces no puedo obtener lo que busco... ni puedo hacer lo que deseo... ni puedo lograr lo que planeo...
Porque lo que quiero no siempre está ahí en el mundo

Saturday, March 25, 2006

another cycle of life

Going back to Wesleyan tonight.... Spring Break is over practically today! Aaaaarrrggghhhh... I wont see Mas Yogi for another 3 weeks, at least till Mabuhay :( This Spring Break has been quite weird. This is actually the first SB that I didnt go anywhere with Mas Yogi... stayed in Boston, doing work..work..work... I guess, I shouldn't say that all I do was doing work, coz I also took a lot of nap zzzz.... :P

so yeah, I did my internship search, actively since Wednesday. Mmmm... it's quite tiring and frustrating! >_< I dont want to say that I started late, but I mean, I didnt start early enough that I missed a couple of opportunities. But hey, I shouldnt feel bad about things, since I had to "figure something out" before moving on to the next level :p I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in term of teaching. I think now I have figured out my "inner kid" is with elementary students, perhaps also kindergarten, NOT high school students (at least for now...) I hope to hear something back soon, so that I can figure out what my next step is... Amin 3x

It's another cycle of life...
- my dad is turning 50 years old
- Aussie is graduating this year >_<
- another pair of Freeman is coming
- I'm turning 21 lho.. hehhehehe...
- Mas Yogi and I are going to celebrate our 3 years anniversary in August..
and many more.....!!!! :P

udah ah.. nguantuk! back to bed! zzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, March 04, 2006

You are everything to somebody right now at this very minute..........

someone is very proud of you
someone is thinking of you
someone cares about you
someone misses you
someone wants to talk to you
someone wants to be with you
someone hopes you aren't in trouble
someone is thankful for the support you have provided
someone wants to hold your hand someone hopes everything turns out all right
someone wants you to be happy
someone wants you to find them
someone is celebrating your successes
someone wants to give you a gift
someone think you ARE a gift
someone hopes you are not too cold, or too hot
someone wants to hug you
someone loves you
someone wants to lavish you with small gifts
someone admires your strength
someone is thinking of you and smiling
someone wants to be your shoulder to cry on
someone wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun
someone thinks the world of you
someone wants to protect you
someone would do anything for you
someone wants to be forgiven
someone is grateful for your forgiveness
someone wants to laugh with you about old times
someone remembers you and wishes you were there
someone is praising God for you
someone needs to know that your love is unconditional
somebody values your advice
someone wants to tell you how much they care
someone wants to stay up watching old movies with you
someone wants to share their dreams with you
someone wants to hold you in their arms
someone wants YOU to hold them in your arms
someone treasures your spirit
someone wishes they could STOP time because of you
someone praises God for your friendship and love
someone can't wait to see you
someone wishes that things didn't have to change
someone loves you for who you are
someone loves the way you make them feel
someone wants to be with you
someone is hoping they can grow old with you
someone hears a song that reminds them of you
someone wants you to know they are there for you
someone is glad that you're their friend
someone wants to be your friend
someone stayed up all night thinking about you
someone is alive because of you
someone is remorseful after losing your friendship
someone is wishing that you would notice them
someone wants to get to know you better
someone believes that you are their soul mate
someone wants to be near you
someone misses your guidance and advice
someone values your guidance and advice
someone has faith in you
someone trusts you
someone needs you to send them this letter
someone needs your support
someone needs you to have faith in them
someone needs you to let them be your friend
someone will cry when they read this