Saturday, May 28, 2005

In a recovery process from an oral surgery--->cubby cheeks

I finally had my oral surgery last Thursday, May 26 at 10am. Wasn't afraid really when I got there coz I knew that I would be put into sleep. The doctor, Dr. Reiner, is such a great guy. When I had my first consultation w/ him, he practically explained everything to me...
So, Gina picked me up aboout 930am and we went straight to the clinic. I think I went into the room about 10.15am. It took awhile for them to put the IV in. They had a laughing gas mask over me and then a couple of minutes later... I went to Zzzzzzzzzzz......
Then "hi, we're done!!"said the doctor/the nurse/ or someone.. :P I wasn't very sure what exactly happened, coz I was still half conscious :p they then took me to the recovery room where I saw Gina. Then I tried my best listening to what the nurse was saying about the post surgery procedures, but I think I was still tooooooooooooo tired from the anesthesia (is this how you spell the word????!!!)
Anyways, then we went to Gina's house to take some rest. I felt my mouth and tongue were NUMB!!! I thought that all my face was swollen, but apparently not :p hehhehe.. just felt like my face got bigger. Gina wentto CVS to get the prescriptions and while waiting for her to return, OMG... the pain almost killed me (hehehhe...). IT WAS TERRIBLE!!!
I couldn't feel my mouth, didn't know how to drink and had blood in my mouth.. eeeuuuuuyyyy!
Alhamdullillah, the pain killer came and I've been consuming it like 4 times a day. The result of that is SLEEPINESS :p I think I've been spending most of my time----> sleeping, waking up for meals, drinking the medicine, watching Tv for half an hour, sleeping... and again... and again :P
I'm sooo grateful to have Gina and John Driscoll (^-^) I don't know who else I could rely at this kind of moment. In between their busy time, they took good care of me. Thank you sooo much ya Allah SWT for giving me the opportunity to know these people. Mas Yogi came this afternoon and hehhehe... I think I'm gonna be a bit spoiled while he's here :p he should take care of me, but he's sleeping like a baby now (>-<)
Anyways... oh ya, the cost for the whole surgery wasn't cheap at all...! OMY, one of my tooth cost more than $500!!! that much amount of money could be use to feed many people in Indonesia. I mean, imagine with the current currency rate---> $500xRp9000=Rp4.500.000 ghee, no wonder doctors here are sooo rich!!! So the total amount of the surgery was @2430. everything cozt sooo expensive, and plus they took out 4 of them!!! Alhamdullillah, half of it will be covered by the Freeman emergency funding (thank you Theresa!) (^-^)
Mmmm.. now the new me after the surgery has a cubbier cheek :P hehhehe.. It's funny looking at myself with this swollen cheek. I wonder when it will be back to its "normal" shape :P It still hurts every now and then, but hopefully nothing serious will happen. Amin
And yeah, I've been also eating like a baby... slowly, soft food and mmm.. using my front teeth only. I can't wait to eat like a pig (^0^) but prolly, with this condition, I can go on a diet for a couple of days, huh??? hahahha

Friday, May 27, 2005

no chubby cheeks anymore...

el foto de mi, estoy bonita, no? Posted by Hello

yo, después de oral surgery. Had chubbier cheeks... for a couple of days

Posted by Hello

Monday, May 23, 2005

It's sakura in Japan, and summer in the U.S....

“Follow you dreams,” he said. “Resist the opportunity to take the job that might pay a little more in the short term but offer nothing in the long term. Pursue the thing you really love. Do that, and the rest will come.”
Quoted from Patriots' coach's speech at the commencement 2005
He said this in front of 700-something seniors who officially graduated from Wesleyan yesterday, but interestingly this applies to everyone. If one asks me what are my future goals, I can name many--becoming a teacher, working for an international company that will allow me to use my foreign languages, setting up my own school... All of these are the ones I love. Thus, I hope by doing 'em, the rest will come. Amiiiin.. (^-^)
On Saturday, there was a Freeman scholars reception for the graduationg seniors. A year passed by so fast, that I was stunned to know that it was a year since Mas Yogi stood up at the front delivering his farewell speech. I wonder what would mine be like...
When I think of my own graduation that will occur about 2 years from today, I get anxious. Graduation is an end as well as a beginnning... In Japan, it's marked by sakura. When they bloom, it's time for the seniors' graduation, and the new students' first day of school. Here, it's the summer time. I hate the feeling of having to say good bye to some people. I don't know when will I ever see them again... (>-<)
I will definitely miss the graduating seniors--Intan, Bella, Ayako, Terence, Eli, Vic, Phu, Cecile, Umay... Although I only had 2 years with them, but I had so much fun and great chit-chats with them. I wish them the very best (^-^) someday, somewhere, at some ocassions, I believe that I will see them again :)
Summer is here, tho the weather isn't....

Friday, May 20, 2005

something to THANK YOU

Dukheim believed that a man is a social being, meaning that he cannot survive without the presence of others. OMG, I'm soooo into Social Theory!!! I liked that class, despite the tough days and nights I went through trying to finish reading and writing the Close readings :p hehhehe... Alhamdullillah, I got an A for my final exam!!! (^-^)
Going back to Durkheim's point about a man being a social being---> SOCIAL BOND
mmm... I thank Allah SWT for giving me a good social skill that I have good friends in many places (^-^) To have good buddies is very important to me, coz I know that no matter how strong I am (or at least, I think I'm strong :P), there are many occasions where I can't do things on my own, like... moving my stuff (;^o^;) heheh..
I know some people who are having a hard time trying to find people who would help them move their stuff (I still can't believe that moving boxes every summer is actually part of my Wes college life, hihihihi...). They only contact others when they need 'em, I DON'T LIKE THESE PEOPLE!!! In relation to social theory, not having a strong social bond could harm you! I just don't understand people who could stay in their room 24/7 without making any physical contact with others... gheee.... no matter how many movies, music and food I have in my room, I wouldn't stay THAT LONG in my room...
Alhamdullillah, I am surrounded by nice people :) In return, I must be nice to and respect always. Insya Allah, aku slalu diberi Allah SWT pertolongan mlalu orang2 diskelilingku, Amin...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

wishing for something that i don't even know what it is

This is what happened when I'm too tired, I become sooo sentimental about things. Tonite, I feel as if something is missing... what could it be??? My social theory book? naaa... reading El Túnel? definitely not! Chatting at Has Lab? Don't think so... mmm.. For sure, I miss MY (>-<) that's like always! but this time, I think there's something more... mmmmm...
prolly, I miss being around my friends... those whom I trust and enjoy being around with (>-<) one of them is prolly Tomy.... mmmm... I miss him, he's such a great friend (^-^) we had so much fun in Japan, tho we didnt get a lot of chance to hang out together once we went home (too bad... ) BUT he's indeed the friend that everyone would like! I hope to talk to him sometime this weekend :)
another thing that I (might) miss is school :P hehhehe.. i know this would make me like a geek, but I miss the work, classes, I guess.. just the whole idea of school (>_<) hehehhe...
I finished my sophomore year last Friday (YEAH...!!!) Had a long year, filled with a lot of things. Alhamdullillah, I managed to accomplish many things.. I learned so much and I enjoyed the year :) Tho, the second sem was harder than the fall sem, but I like my sophomore year :) One thing that I managed togo through, also MY is.. our semi long distance relationship. Although I cant really say that we went through a year of LD, but we did... This sem, I think we saw each other less, but we managed to deal with it pretty well (^-^) with the help of SKYPE and WEBCAM, yeah... I love them :)
And mmm.. I cried less this sem :p hehehehhe....
Oh ya, one major accomplishment is getting accepted at the Argentine prog :) this is such a thrill... I'm very excited rite now.. :)
I guess, I miss my sophomore year hehhehe...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

el libro de sociología que no voy a olvidarme

Posted by Hello

A week surrounded by sociology and boxes...

I guess this is the consequence as a soc major, days with soc papers and readings, day and night dating with Marx, Weber, Foucault, Wallerstein... and more! I have a Social Theory final exam tomorrow at 9 and Dupuy's paper due Friday at 5. I think I'm gonna use most of my time tonight to work on soc theory...
I like social theory, and this is not a sarcastic statement. I learned so much from that class... It's interesting and it feels good too when speaking with people about the world and buch of social problems, you actually know the theories that can explain them (well, I guess at leats I can refer them to some names, like Marx said blah..blah..blah.. :p) I'm gonna do my best tomorrow. I should compose all the thoughts in a constructive way. I'm so glad that I got a chance to brainstorm the Unthinkable questions w/ Cecile :)
And after the exam, a paper is waiting for me. Hix..hix.. I wish I read and followed the discussion better, so that I won't have the fear of writong the paper. I think getting a B in that class is good for me, right now. Well, I'll try my best (^_^)
Oh ya, for the first time in my entire life, I carried boxes from one place to another (well, from my room, then downstairs, then to Michi's car, unloaded them, then... Foss 5) Wow, it was a real workout!!! Thx God, I have such strong friends, like Nancy and Kiyoki :) hehehhe... I didn't do this last year, so I felt like a freshman :P Well, I'm done with storage, except that my room still look the same :p Still messy and you could see papers everywhere!!!
I'm gonna take some rest before dinner at the Driscolls, and a night with my "bible," social theory. I'm gonna take a picture of that book and post it here later :p

Monday, May 02, 2005

can you forget the person you once liked?

This question is applied to everyone. For me, the answer would be.. "mmmm, prolly not..." And I guess, she hasn't been able to get over MY yet, coz she still sends email to him. Oooppss... yeah, I looked at his friendster again (>_<) I know it might have something unpleasant, but I just couldn't help it.
So, what to do with this person????!!! Aaaaaaaarrggghhhhhhhhh... I don't know why I couldn't laugh when I read her emails. I mean, she is so foolish and in a way, she's being irrational (here we go, the sociology word :p). Wow, I would stop contacting the person if I were her. Coz My never replies her emails, he doesn't even read them.. and he didn't "invite" her to his friendster account (;_;) aaaaa--- she just doesn't get it!!
Oh well, I hope she finds someone that will make her busy...
What's important is MY I hope that he will always be with me (amin). I must take good care of him, cherish 100% our relationship and love him from the very bottom of my heart (^-^)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

WEIRDOS are everywhere!!!!

When you ask for a favour, you're expected to be polite (I mean, you have to be polite all the time... especially when you ask for a favor!!!). But..but.. some people just can't understand this (>_<) What happened today was K??? asked me if I had a camcorder. He wanted to borrow it for his performance tonite. I was like.. yeah, I don't mind people borrowing my things, so long as they take good care of them. What annoyed me were his weird questions: - Is it a good quality? - where did you get it from? - will i have trouble with the color (technical things)??? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhh... what the heck??? And he started comparing mine with MY's. He told me that once he borrowed MY's and it turned out to be sucky (>_<) HEll YOU!!! If you want it, stop annoying!! I said that he could borrow it before he asked the questions, so I didn't know how to reject his request :( DOoooooooooooooommmmm you! I have no idea why people just have no manner and don't understand how to communicate with others :( Hopefully, no one would ever think this way about me