Thursday, August 17, 2006

school shouldn't be a burden to any student

I was very suprised when I found out that Ozza, my cousin who is only 5 years old,goes to school everyday from 7ish till 3 in the evening! that's almost 8 hours of school... OMG, I was having so much fun when I was at her age; I'd come home before lunch time, I remember how I usually slept in the school van and had to make the driver piggied back me coz I wouldnt wake up once the van got into my house >_<
As far as I remember, I didnt have an 8-hour of school until I was in my last year of junior high, and simply because everyone had to take prep classes... But definitely not when I was 5 years old! I cant believe that kids are experiencing such a school life at a very young age.

Living in Jakarta is a huge battle to get from one place to another. Since most schools start at 7ish in the morning, I bet most kids must ben out of their houses by 6, or perhaps earlier to avoid the damn traffic :( and they have to spend time at school till late?? what time would they get home? regardless of whether they get zero or 100 homeworks to do at home, the point is that they're extremely exhausted by the time thy reach home >_<

Well, I wont blame parents who want to send their kids to the "best school" so that their kids would earn the "best education." It's every parents' dream to see their kids have a bright future... BUT is sending your kids to school that eats up most of your kids' daytime and leaves them no energy a good way to lead your kids to a successful path???? I dont think so!

No wonder if many kids think that school is such a big burden for them... it's hard to feel the happy atmosphere when I'm around kids. I dont know how many of them think that school is a great place to be... Ozza has begun to say that she didnt want to go to school because she's tired! OMG, she's only 5 and she has said those things... what would happen when she gets older and school gets tougher in senior high???!!!

it shouldnt be this way! Aaaaaaarrrgggghhh, how messed up education is right now??? what'll my kids have later??? maybe I should just homeschool them :p hahahaha....