Thursday, May 18, 2006

it was worth the time

I'm quite excited about going home this summer. I know I'm going to miss Mas Yogi sooooo much and prolly I'm going to spend my parents' money to make millions of int'l phonecall. "We'll be fine aren't we, MasQuhSayang?"

So, last night I was at Keck Lab again and this time I wasn't really working on my papers... instead I was looking desperately for cheap airplane ticket to go home. I was sooo upset when I discovered that the cheap ticket from was gone. OMG, it was cheap considering that I'm traveling in June ($1150). So I had to browse some random websites and since I didn't really keep good tracks which websites I had looked at, I searched the same websites over and over :(

After 2 hours...

I was getting nowhere with my search. ANA costs $138oish plus plus. UA offers quite similar price, but I didn't want to fly with UA... Aaaaaaaaarrrrggggghhh... I was so tired, stressed and quite desperate (@_@) I decided to call my dad and ask him about the price. After all, he's the one who pays for my ticket. He was like, "hey don't worry about the price" ooooooooo... but still, I felt that I should look for the cheapest ticket.

Hang up the phone and...

I came back to my computer and googled the websites that I saw tons of times. I decided to start all over again. I remember it was 1am... (;_;) I talked to Nancy and we agreed to go home at 2 coz she had an exam at 9am this morning. So, I looked at several websites and... and.. and..

Singapore Airline $1290 (tax included!) Wow!!!

I was sooo happy that I was shaking when I entered my credit card number and chose my seats. I found it using the some search engine that I was so sure that I used about 3 times before that.

I guess time makes a difference.

It was worth spending the whole night clicking and typing "cheap ticket singapore" over and over. I hope I'll have a nice flight and enjoy my time in Indonesia this summer :) espero!