Friday, May 12, 2006

Oh no, I never took the midterms!!!!

That was a sentence from my dream last night. It's reading week, meaning it's crazy week for many people. I'm quite lucky that I didn't take any classes that require in-class final (pheeww... glad I passed ECON 101). So, I'm quite FREE this week... But many people around me are quite swamped by papers, finals, reports, you name them. I happened to hang out with those people, especially Mo and Nancy, whenever I was in a computer lab. Mo is doing her Investment Finance and Econometrics papers, and Nancy is working hard on her stat research paper... GANBARE~~! And last night, I had a dream like this...

I realized that I have skipped so many of my Econometrics and ECON 300 classes. Oh yeah... I dreamed that I was taking those tow freaking hard econ classes (>_<) So, since it's almost finals, I decided to go to classes. And... I found out that econometrics and ECON 300 are at the same time! Aaaaaaaaaarrrggghhhh... how didn't I know that???!!! since I couldn't do the homework of both classes, it was a hard desicion which class to go to :p hehehhe... But I first decided to go to ECON 302 and put my bag there. I couldn't remember who I talked to in class, but that guy was extremely amused when he saw me finally went to class.


I was hungry! So I decided to skip the first half of the class and went to eat with someone that I can't recall now. I came back 40 min later and was confused again where I put my bag coz econometrics is right next to ECON 300 class. I entered the econometrics class and sat there. when I came there, the professor was going over the hard homework. The professor gave some hints to the class, and to my surprised, everyone said... "Oooo... that's how you do the work!" I looked at what I wrote and had no clue what the answer was :( It was tooooo complicated for me, considering that I never came to class. I was like... OMG, what to do? what to do? While I was still trying to figure out the problems, the professor announced something about the final exam. And I realized that I never took any mid terms of econometrics and ECON 300 ever this semester!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaa.... OMG, what's going to happen with my grades? Oh no, I should withdraw from this class, but I don't want a W in my transcript :( aaaaaaaaaaaaaa... I was so scared and panic. As I was walking to Jacobsen's office (chair of econ dept), my dream stopped (>_<)


I counted how many classes I actually took this semester :p hahahha... And I was so happy that I wasn't taking any econ classes, but ECON 101 :P hahhahahaha.... OMG, too much econ for me!


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