Friday, May 20, 2005

something to THANK YOU

Dukheim believed that a man is a social being, meaning that he cannot survive without the presence of others. OMG, I'm soooo into Social Theory!!! I liked that class, despite the tough days and nights I went through trying to finish reading and writing the Close readings :p hehhehe... Alhamdullillah, I got an A for my final exam!!! (^-^)
Going back to Durkheim's point about a man being a social being---> SOCIAL BOND
mmm... I thank Allah SWT for giving me a good social skill that I have good friends in many places (^-^) To have good buddies is very important to me, coz I know that no matter how strong I am (or at least, I think I'm strong :P), there are many occasions where I can't do things on my own, like... moving my stuff (;^o^;) heheh..
I know some people who are having a hard time trying to find people who would help them move their stuff (I still can't believe that moving boxes every summer is actually part of my Wes college life, hihihihi...). They only contact others when they need 'em, I DON'T LIKE THESE PEOPLE!!! In relation to social theory, not having a strong social bond could harm you! I just don't understand people who could stay in their room 24/7 without making any physical contact with others... gheee.... no matter how many movies, music and food I have in my room, I wouldn't stay THAT LONG in my room...
Alhamdullillah, I am surrounded by nice people :) In return, I must be nice to and respect always. Insya Allah, aku slalu diberi Allah SWT pertolongan mlalu orang2 diskelilingku, Amin...