awesome korean drumming and sakura performances
Wow.. what a great performance of Korean drumming today! It lasted faster than I thought. Sooo exhausted rite now, but I'm happy... (^-^) The korean drumming performance is getting bigger and bigger, compare to the performance I saw in my freshman year. It was an awesome show by US heheheh....
I think Don did a really good job in teaching us the Buk dance and other rhythyms.. In fact, I think he's actually better than the prof :P
Then I ran to MPR rite away for Sakura, japanese culture show.. Ghee... I almost had no ebergy by then tho (>-<) thank God, I was able to perform Soran Bushi :) although when we're serving the food, things got pretty hectic--no cups to drink, the food came a bit late, we ran out of plates.. and mmm.. what else happened? oh ya, we didn't eat the food at all, coz we're short of food, kinda (>-<) BUT..BUT.. the show went very well... much better than last year! Chou tanoshikatta (^-^)
una cosa que no me gustó mucho es que él no vino hoy... Por qué???? me dijo que quizá no pudo venir... and that's what happened.. mmm.. ojalá que pueda hablar una vez en esta manana... (>-<)
Voy a dormir ahora------!!!!
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