Thursday, April 28, 2005

koq ya ada orang kayak gitu???!!!

Last night, I was kinda bored and didn't want to study... So, I started surfing the internet and opened friendster. For some reasons, instead of opening my own account, I opened MY's. AND there's something yang bikin gw GERAH MAMPUS!!! Aaaaaarrgghhhh... Apparently, there's a girl who has been emailing MY and the messages were SUPER CHEESYYYYY!!! From reading her emails, I sensed something odd--she likes MY (>-<) What is going on here????!!! Coz I was curious, I continued to look for more messages from her and her pictures, which unfortunately only pictures of dolphins that I found. DASAR LUMBA-LUMBA ANEH!
Puyeng, sebel, gerah, sebel... geli.. were what I felt last nite.. ANEH bgt sihhhhh...
Then this morning, I was soo glad that I got it out of my chest by telling him what happened last nite. And it turned out that the girl was his underclassman, whom he never knew :( heh??? it's sooo weird! And even though he told her off, she still emails him... WHAT A WEIRDO!!! aaaaaaaaaa... whatever lha!
Right now, I felt like blackmailing and bombarding her with dolphins, so that she won't have time to email :p

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I have been trying to write something, but I just couldn't for some reasons... Or perhaps it's because I didn't know exactly what I wanted to write. I'm supposed to be studying, but I'm always like this after staying up late doing work (>-<)
Yesterday, I worked hard for my soc and spanish presentations, which I think went pretty well.. hehhe... I got enough sleep, since I slept during the day, duration ranging from 10min-2 hours :p BUT, I guess I just wanted a break :p
Oh ya, it's been 2 days since I talked with him... mmm.. I shouldn't see him too often, otherwise I'd lose conversation topics :p hhehehe... I might see him tomorrow, for random reasons (>-<)
I think life can be random, and writing about random things is part of the randomization of this life..............

Sunday, April 24, 2005

awesome korean drumming and sakura performances

Wow.. what a great performance of Korean drumming today! It lasted faster than I thought. Sooo exhausted rite now, but I'm happy... (^-^) The korean drumming performance is getting bigger and bigger, compare to the performance I saw in my freshman year. It was an awesome show by US heheheh....
I think Don did a really good job in teaching us the Buk dance and other rhythyms.. In fact, I think he's actually better than the prof :P
Then I ran to MPR rite away for Sakura, japanese culture show.. Ghee... I almost had no ebergy by then tho (>-<) thank God, I was able to perform Soran Bushi :) although when we're serving the food, things got pretty hectic--no cups to drink, the food came a bit late, we ran out of plates.. and mmm.. what else happened? oh ya, we didn't eat the food at all, coz we're short of food, kinda (>-<) BUT..BUT.. the show went very well... much better than last year! Chou tanoshikatta (^-^)
una cosa que no me gustó mucho es que él no vino hoy... Por qué???? me dijo que quizá no pudo venir... and that's what happened.. mmm.. ojalá que pueda hablar una vez en esta manana... (>-<)
Voy a dormir ahora------!!!!

Buk and Changgu!

Posted by Hello

the whole gang of Korean drumming

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 23, 2005

un día llovioso...todo el día!!!!

Es muy extrano que hoy esté lloviendo mucho por todo el día. Pienso que muchas personas no quieren salir de sus casas... Y yo tambien, por eso quizá no voy a ir a AAA para asistir a FASA SEMIFORMAL :( me recuerdo bien la fiesta pasada cuando yo puse una falda carta como una chica japonesa (^_^) ehehhehe
Ya que no voy a salir, tengo que escribir el ensayo para la clase de Korean Drumming AHORA!!!!
mmmm.. manana es el día de SAKURA... vendrá aquí??? Ojalá...

Friday, April 22, 2005

iría a venir??!!

esta pregunta era dirigida a él... anoche, le mandé un email pero no recibí nada... mmm.. que pasa? ojalá que vaya a venir a Sakura en domingo para que pueda encontrarnos. Hoy no tuve un tiempo para pensar sobre él, es una cosa buena :P heheheh... Pero a vaces, quiero hablar sobre cualquiera cosa. mmm... donde estará ahora? con ella?
no sé!!!!
mi diente me molesta mucho!

tengo que volver a "mi lugar propio"

últimamente, no puedo estudiar bien como en el pasado. Pienso que es porque hay algunas NON-SCHOOL eventos que ocurren en este fin de semana. Hoy por la tarde, hay ASIAN NITE MARKET. Tengo que preparar muchas cosas y estar en el lugar hasta 6 de la noche. Entonces, a las 7, Azusa me corta mi pelo :)

En el sábado, desde 12.30 hasta 4.30, hay un ensayo para SAKURA que ocurre en el domingo. Por la noche, debido a los estudiantes de cuarto ano van a graduarse, hay una SEMIFORMAL en AAA...
Y en el domingo, mi día es para KOREAN DRUMMING y SAKURA (>-<) Pienso que después de todo, no voy a tener la energía para estudiar... Aaaa---!

Quiero estudiar correctamente. Si no hicieralo, la próxima semana iría a ser mala. Tengo un ensayo y una presentación de la clase de espanol; una discusión en el grupo de la clase de sociología 212 en el martes... (por eso, necesito leer todo por sabádo!!!)

Aaaaaaaaaaaarrggghhhh................. quiero volver a mi lugar propio

Thursday, April 21, 2005

why does dentist get paid sooo much?????

Today I couldn't go to see Dr. Suval coz he's sick :( I guess, doctors can be sick too, huh? Well, there ae still human beings... But why now???? My gum gets worse, it's swollen now (>-<) aaaaaaaaaa... It can be really annoying at times and I really want someone to do something about this=dentist please!!!
BUT...BUT... I'm afraid that it's gonna be expensive. I heard from people that it can cost hundreds of dollars! WHAT???!!! I don't know if this could last till dec, the time when I plan to go home. Insya Allah, the dentist can do something for me.
hix..hix... sakit gigi bhow!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

being friends is better than nothing...

Today we had a nice Ohanami at foss hill with the Japanese students, sensei and bunch of extra people :) The food was good, tho I couldn't really enjoy them for two reasons
- my tooth is acting up again (>-<) aaa.. i'm going to the health centre in a couple of minutes, Hopefully they can do something about this. It's annoying that I can't eat stuff now :( - and mmm.. hehehhe.. the reason I'm about to write is kinda silly. So.. I managed to get AT to have lunch with the Jap gang. I was kinda afraid that Takahashi was gonna like "hey, why did you invite this person that we don't even know and he's not helping the Jap conversation tmr??" :p But she was really nice, she even gave him Pocky :p So yeah, the reason I didn't eat much was because JAIM :p hahahha.. It was nice to have some time to talk with him and it was nothing serious :) Mmm.. no weird feelings or anything this time. I guess, I'm trying my best to repress those feelings and I think I'm doing a pretty good job (^-^) hahahha.. I like the look he gave me just before he left, ghee.. that smile :) hehehhe.. Anyways, I'm hoping that he'd show up tomorrow for Jap conversation session. Apart from that I can get another chance to talk to him, we need people!!!!! That's the most important part I guess :p I think I should reduce the amount of time of seeing him. Coz it'd be weird to see him so often these past couple of days, while I never actually talked to him before the Ny trip. And I should save my conversation topics too :p hehehhe Going to health centre now, hoping to recover fro my toothache sooooooon

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


one thing that I forgot to write... Last Thursday, mas Yogi suddenly said that he was going to talk to his boss about his status at the office. All day long I was sooo nervous and couldn't really focus on stuff. Good thing Charles' class was cancelled.... It ended up that he didn't talk to his boss at all coz he was too nervous to begin the conversation.
I was soo disappointed and sad at the same time. Not totally to him, but to myself.... I think I kinda pushed him too hard that he was reluctant to talk. But I figured that knowing it sooner would be better for both of us, although I wasn't sure if I was ready to accept "that side of the truth."
Then he said that he was sorry... and promised me that he would talk on Friday. Again, I was nervous... Alhamdullillah, he called me saying that his boss said that he liked mas Yogi's work so far.. meaning there's a chance that he would stay here!!! I'm sooo happy to here this : )
I'm glad that he got that out of his chest, coz I'm sure that he was constantly thinking and worrying that it made him fell sick for a couple of days :( Alhamdullillah, he's fine now after being treated by me over the weekend, hehehheheh
Another suprising, but a happy thing is that when I called my parents on Saturday since it was my dad's bday, papa said that mas Yogi shouldn't worry too much about job if he has to go back to Indonesia, coz he'd help mas Yogi :) hahahahha... isn't a sign that my dad likes mas Yogi ??!! goooooooodddd hehehhehe

it's Argentina!!!

Wow.. what a news after Social Theory class...
Dear Satyawidya,
Congratulations! You have been accepted to our program in Buenos Aires, Argentina for the fall semester, 2005.
This is such an exciting news that I have been waiting to hear (^-^) Alhamdullillah...Alhamdullillah... Alhamdullillah :) I was kinda surprised that they sent the email to me this ealry since I just received the welcom epacket yesterday and I haven't send any forms required that supposedly needed by the program to make the decision. Anyhow, I'm happy :)
I should definitely thank Allah SWT that has given me courage and enlightment that led me to all of these. Without Allah's guidance, I would not have been able to make the first step.
The Office of International Studies, especially Carolyn is such a great help. She explained everything so clear that helped me made such complicated decision. It was tough in deciding which program I should apply to, but she surely knows her stuff and managed to convinced me .. hehehe.. :)
Mas Yogi is the best! He helped in many ways... He's the person that helps me whenever I'm in a dilemma and confusion. He knows how to calm me down hahahhaha... :p He's the person that encourage me to apply and focus. I was afraid that the idea of going abroad would mess our relationship, but I believe in him and our relationship (^-^) Insya Allah, smuanya bjalan lancar...
My family who's always there for me... I felt that my parents were confused when I asked them which program that I should apply to since they didn't have the suficient info.. But their prayer and encouragement helped me a lot. I miss them..
Alice, John and Gina Driscoll, Prof. Austin, Prof. Dupuy and Octavio.... :) I talked to them to discuss the programs and my concerns... Alice and John helped me on my essays, especially Alice! Glad to know her so well, that I didn't have any difficulties in expressing my concerns or anything.... Prof. Austin and Octavio certainly paid sooo much attention to me.. :) I'm glad to know them well too, they certainly helped me get into the program!!! And Prof. Dupuy.. he's the man that made my move smooth through whatever school bureuacracy that I had to go thru (^_^) I'm sooo hppy that I'm surrounded by these people.. lovely and encouraging people :)

Mmm.. No Chile, I guess... I hope i'm making the right desicion here to which program I should go to. I have thought about many different aspects and I believe that the Argentine program is better, INsya Allah... It's more challenging, more organized and after all.. It was my first choice and following your first choice has always been the best thing, Insya Allah :)
It was a lucky thing that the email came right before I send the deposit for the Chile prog, coz otherwise I wold lose 200 dollars, which my parents could use to pay for my cellphone bills that's going up..up...up (>-<)

Okie, I should get back to my soc paper that's due in mmm.. [ghee, I'm sooo bad at math now :(] like 12hours excluding eating and sleeping time :p Insya Allah, I do better in this paper.