Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences
You prefer your own inner world, you like to be alone, and you are aware of your own strengths, weaknesses, and feelings. You learn best by engaging in independent study projects rather than working on group projects. People like you include entrepreneurs, philosophers and psychologists.

Intrapersonal 89%
Verbal/Linguistic 82%
Interpersonal 82%
Visual/Spatial 46%
Logical/Mathematical 39%
Bodily/Kinesthetic 32%
Musical/Rhythmic 18%

Taking silly quizes from can be fun :P some of them I feel actually reflect the real me.. oooo... Like the one above for example, although the occupation list is not very accurate. First, I think the enterprenuer genes from my grandma and my dad failed to be passed onto me (>_<) second, I'm not interested at all in being a philosopher (perhaps since I've never taken any philosophy class). And last, I decided not to be a psyc major coz I sucked at it (@_@) aaaaaaaaaaaa.... Well, although people often say that I'd be a good psychologist, but how could i be one without taking the classes???!!!!

the next one here is quite silly, but a cute one. I hope this is true...

Which Kind of Girlfriend are You?
You're the perfect girlfriend. You're the kind of girl that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy places (though that would be nice)Just hanging out with him is enough to make you happy

Perfect Girlfriend 100%
Motherly Girlfriend 75%
Sensitive Girlfriend 50%
Bad Girlfriend 31%
Not interested Girlfriend 25%

heheheh... I don't think Mas Yogi will agree with completely :P I should sk him once he gets here. (aaaaaaaaaaaaa... aku gak gt seneng dg orang yg ngajak mas yogi pergi hr ini. Lelet... gak jlas gt klo punya jadwal, ngomong doank, aaaaa.. bnk lha pokoknya. Bae' sih orangnya, enak klo diajak ngobrol, tapi sifatnya itu lho!!! koq ya ada cewe' yg bs ngadepin org yg JAM KARET?!!!)

Tomorrow is 4th of July!!! I remembered last year's 4th of July... Stuck in NYC's traffic jam! (>_<) ended up watching from the car with hundreds other people who shared the same thought----> why didn't they build wider streets so that more cars can pass by??? :p Tomorrow's plan, mmm.. I guess, going to the river and enjoy the fireworks from the Harbour park. I should try to celebrate events at Middletown :p as a way to embrace myself better in this tiny town (^o^)