Two days ago was Indonesian Independence day, 60 tahun Indonesia merdeka! Since I left Indonesia, I never actually went to a celebration at the embassy. I don’t remember why I didn’t go to NYC last year… So this year, I decided that I should go to Embajada.
I had a class at UCA in the morning, and I came 10 min late, coz I didn’t predict the traffic was going to be bad L anyways, the class turned out to be boring dull… I think I’m going to drop the class, since I know that I can take better soc psyc class at Wesleyan. So I left after the first half and went to Paseo Colon to take 152. I didn’t know which bus to take from Puerto Madero, coz 1) I don’t have my Guía T, 2) even though I had it, I wouldn’t know where the stops are… That’s how complicated the bus system can be in Buenos Aires.
So, I went to Retiro station and took a train from Belgrano to Saldilas (saldila… something like this). Once I got out of the train, I had no idea where to go, since it’s was surrounded by factories and railways. Thanks to a nice police officer (I like how there are many police officers around the city…), I arrived safely at the embajada.
It was quite obvious that people stared at me… Not only that because I was late, but I think I have a different appearance :p hahahha… So, I met with bunch of ibu-ibu, whose names I don’t remember, except Ibu Ida who kept on saying that I should stay over at her place… hehhehe…
This is the first time I felt very welcome at my own country’s embassy. I have had bunch of bitter experiences with the Indonesian embassies, but this one here… The people are nice and they welcomed me well. :) I met 2 Tia (s), Mexind (the consejero’s son who was born in Mexico… Mexind—mexico and Indonesia!!!), Rudy (this guy who works there… ) and bunch of other people. The food was great, although it would have been better if it was warm :p but nothing is better that Indonesian food!!!
I’m happy that this year’s 17an went well and I appreciate the friendships that I made at the embajada. J I now know that I’m not alone in BsAs and I hope with the presents of Indonesians, I don’t think too much of Mas Yogi. I miss him, but I know that he’s doing great in Indonesia and TRUST is the key… :)
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